Current Training Courses
- Specialist Lawyer Course “Information Technology Law (IT Law)”, DeutscheAnwaltAkademie, Frankfurt am Main, September 10, 2015 – December 19, 2015
- 12th Cologne Symposium on Trademark and Competition Law 2014 under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Joachim Bornkamm, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fezer and Prof. Dr. Otto Teplitzky
- 6th Scientific Conference “Events and Emotions” 2014 of the Chair of Marketing and Business Administration at the Technical University Chemnitz
Publications of Dr. Risch-Kerst can be found here.
- Tanztheater (Dancing Theatre) Jena e.V.
- ORSO “The Rock Symphony Orchestra” / “philharmonic” e.V.
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein and Anwaltsverein Berlin
- ARGE – Anwältinnen
- ALUMNI of the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena e.V.
- Tennis Club Schwarz-Gold Berlin
German, English, Russian