Our lawyers regularly publish articles in trade journals typical of the legal industry. All of the publications are available in German only.
Dr. Risch-Kerst advises major operators on existing defense mechanisms and legal loopholes in the fight against Ambush Marketing. At the same time, Ambusher learn about their options for creative advertising methods in connection with large sports events. The author develops pragmatic design possibilities and recommendations for action, developing a protection concept for the “event marketing brand” which is presented to the reader as a possible solution for successful corporate communication.
The work compiles important legal regulations of the event industry for practice and study, referring to i.a. the BGB (German Civil Code) , the Income Tax Law, the Catering Law, the HGB (Commercial Code), the Artist Social Insurance Law, Trademark Law, Copyright Law, Assembly Law and the Trade Regulations. A brief introduction to Event Law and Marketing Law completes the collection. The National Regulations on Places of Assembly are supplemented digitally. The oevre is the first statute book for the event industry!
This standard reference is a systematic and easily understandable presentation of all legal hurdles around an event. Particular attention is given to Contract Law, Liability, Media Law, Photo Law and Copyright, Tax Law, KSK (Artists Social Insurance), GEMA (society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) and Public Law. The book is not only designed for students in the field of event and cultural management but is also a reliable guide for all long-standing practitioners in the event, security and creative industries.
Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Klufmöller, Luise: Cybercrime: Security Risks of Homeoffice, in: Loock, Friedrich, Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Röckrath, Gereon, Scheytt, Oliver (publ.): Guide to Cultural Management – Law, Politics and General Practice, nb. 67. 2019.
Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Cultural Event 4.0 – GDPR and Data Protection in the Management of Cultural Events, in: Pöllmann, Lorenz, Herrmann, Clara (publ.): The Digital Culture Industry – Strategies, Fields of Action and Best Practices of Digital Culture Management. 2019.
Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Rath, Theresa: Influencer-Marketing: Three Court Decisions, Three Embassies, One Legal Framework, in: Loock, Friedrich, Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Röckrath, Gereon, Scheytt, Oliver (Hrsg.): Guide to Cultural Management – Law, Politics and General Practice, nb. 66. 2019.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Dr. Kerst, Andreas: Publicity Obligations of Large Event Companies in the Form of a Limited Liability Company, in: Loock, Friedrich, Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Röckrath, Gereon, Scheytt, Oliver (publ.): Guide to Cultural Management – Law, Politics and General Practice, nb. 64. 2019.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Geithe, Stephanie: Street Art 4.0, in: Loock, Friedrich, Poser, Ulrich, Röckrath, Gereon, Scheytt, Oliver (publ.): Guide to Cultural Management – Law, Politics and General Practice, nb. 56. 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Sports Sponsoring and Ambush Marketing in Competition for Law and Morals, in: Schneider, André, Köhler, Julia, Schumann, Frank (publ.): Fairplay in Sports – Contributions to the Moral Debate and the Ethical Potienials. 2018.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy, Klufmöller, Luise: Cultural Event 4.0 – One Data Treatment Is Not Enough, in: 14th Yearbook Cultural Trademarks. 2018.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Experiential Marketing and Trademark Protection – Intellectual Property Protection of Design Concepts for Flagship Stores, in: Zanger, Cornelia (publ.): Events and Experience – Status Quo and Perspectives of Event Research. 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Contract Law and Domestic Law, in: Bühnert, Claus, Luppold, Stefan, (publ.): Practical Guide on Congress Marketing and Conference Management. 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: The Specialists – Founder and Owner– EVENTLawyers, in: Jackson, Wolf, Antje, Julia, Geest, Dirk (publ.): Career Paths in Event Management. 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Dangers of Fans, in: Schneider, André, Köhler, Julia, Schumann, Frank (publ.): Behaviour of Fans in Sports. Phenomenons, Challenges and Perspective, 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Legal Security Duties and Risk Management of Organisers, in: Gondel (publ.): Security for Places of Assembly and Events. A detailed Guide to the Conceptualisation of Security Measures, 2017.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: The Event marketing Brand as a Defense against Ambush Marketing, in: Zanger, Cornelia (publ.): Events and Emotions. Status quo and Perspectives of Event Research, 2015.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Liability Management and Risk Management in the Event Industry, in: Eisermann, et al., (publ.): Practical Eventmanagement. Plan, Implement and Evaluate Events Successfully, 2014.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Eventsecurity. Large Events in the Focus of the Security Industry, in: Stober, Rolf (publ.): Yearbook of the Security Industry 2012, 2012.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: The Domestic Law of the Organizer, in: Prof. Dr. Loock, Friedrich (publ.) et al.: Guide to Cultural Management – Law, Politics and General Practice, 2013.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Event-Compliance: The Legally Secure Guest List for Company Events, in: Wünsch, Ulrich (publ.): Guide to Experiential Communication
Rath, Theresa/Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Marketingtool Influencer, in: Berliner Anwaltsblatt, 10/2019, p. 348.
Companies are increasingly using new marketing strategies such as influencer marketing instead of conventional tools such as commercials or poster advertising. This also has consequences for the lawyers who advise the companies for whom it is essential to have a basic knowledge of the possible problems and pitfalls associated with influencer marketing.
Rath, Theresa/Klufmöller, Luise/Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Lawyer or Mortal?, in: Berliner Anwaltsblatt, 11/2018, p. 416.
On the selection of the external data protection officer in the sense of the GDPR according to liability aspects and on the scope of the authority of legal services
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy / Geithe, Stephanie: An Overview of the Copyright Contract Law Reform, in: Berliner Anwaltsblatt, 1-2/2017, p.5.
Copyright contract law forms the basis for the economic activity of the entire cultural industry. Users of cultural assets include radio and television broadcasters, the music and film industries, the publishing industry and many others. In mid-December 2016, the Bundestag and Bundesrat adopted a reform of copyright contract law.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: What is a Trademark? The Meaning of Trademark Law within the Event Management Industry, in: Yearbook of Cultural Trademarks 2011, p.80.
Brands are becoming more and more important. However, even the event industry which is well equipped to build up logos due to its service and high communication character neglected the support of brands up to only a few years ago. This has changed decisively, the reasons for which are multi-layered.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Artists Social Security – Tax Liability for Web Designers despite Non-Profit Status, in: Legal Letter: Marketing, 03/11.
Artists’ social insurance should not be taken lightly. A presentation of the consequences of simply ignoring questions about the Artists Social Security. To sharpen consciousness with regard to the artists’ social insurance fund.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: House Ban for unwelcome Individuals. Case Studies, in: Legal Letter: Marketing, 02/11.
In case studies Dr. Mandy Risch-Kerst explains whether or not you can get rid of naggers, journalists or dismissed subcontractors throuh house bans
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: More Security for Events: House Bans!, in: Legal Letter: Marketing, 01/11.
Practical tips for the legally secure planning of events and the house ban as a useful “legal weapon” to keep unpleasant visitors away from events or to remove them.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Photo and Image Rights in Germany: Beuys, Kühe and other Curiosities, in: Legal Letter: Marketing, 10/10.
It is often curious and problematic to handle photo and picture material. Two examples: The action for damages brought on by a farmeragainst the event organiser of a “cow charity party” for the advertising use of photos of his cows (AG Köln v. 22.06.2010) was unsuccessful. On the other hand, photos of a Beuys performance were not allowed to be shown because the Beuys heirs did not want them to (LG Düsseldorf v. 29.09.2010). Event and classical advertising agencies are often affected. Here is a photo guide with a legal background.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Music, Theatre, Loveparade: An Organisers 7 Commandments, in: Legal Letter: Marketing, 03/10.
The title story has become terribly topical due to the catastrophe of the Love Parade in Duisburg. A tragedy that also damaged the image of an entire region. Nevertheless, it has to be said: Events are increasingly relevant tools in the strategy of brands. But – legal questions need to be clarified in advance of the event. From both the event agency and the organiser. Here are the seven most important legal hurdles.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Photo and Image Law in the Eventindustry, in: Music Market. The Trade Magazine, 01/15.
Der Umgang mit Foto- und Bildmaterial, auf denen Künstler des Events abgebildet sind, ist für Spielstätten oft problematisch. Rechtsanwältin Dr. Mandy Risch-Kerst erklärt die wesentlichen Fragestellungen und gibt Tipps für den Umgang in der Praxis.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Cancellation Fees and other Penalties, in: showcases, 04/09.
The organizer often underestimates that the booking of an artist cannot simply be cancelled with a phone call. The first part of the following interview adresses the consequences and costs that can arise in such cases.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: Cancellation Fees and other Penalties – Part 2, in: showcases, 01/10.
The organizer often underestimates that the booking of an artist cannot simply be cancelled with a phone call. The second part of the following interview adresses the consequences and costs that can arise in such cases in more detail.
Dr. Risch-Kerst, Mandy: The KSK Demands its Target, in: showcases, 02/07.
One could almost think that the artists’ social insurance has not been taken seriously for years. The KSK as part of Germanies national social security system provides pension, health insurance and long-term care insurance for freelance artists and journalists, however, it also collects part of its expenditure from companies.
The office Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst also cooperates with the MICE Club. Prof. Dr. Risch-Kerst and Dr. Geithe maintain a legal blog for MICE Club members where they offershort and non-committal legal assessments.
Mine! Mine? Nothing at all?: An article about the handling of artist photos in event locations by RA Dr. Risch-Kerst and RA Geithe in the MICE Magazine (available in German only).
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Law Firm Cooperative EVENTLawyers
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